Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Egg Roll

We had an Easter Egg Roll contest in the back yard on Easter Sunday.  The course was set up with small stakes in the ground that had you go around the yard, downhill and finishing uphill.  You had to finish with your egg UN CRACKED!  Erin here set the course record for the women with a whopping 45 seconds flat!  The winner of the men's division was Mark T. at 35 seconds.  As you can see by the picture, a lot of effort was involved.  Several contestants seemed to not know they needed to roll the egg, not HIT it!  After 2 cracked eggs, you were disqualified.  We had medical personnel standing by in case of injury.  We had one contestant go down, but was able to get back up and finish to a standing ovation.

1 comment:

Judith Bowman said...

Go Erin! This is such a cute're pretty good at the picture-takin' Bad Bob!