Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm OK, I'm OK

Just got back from my 3 month checkup with my Cardioligist.  Here is a picture of my X-Rays.

I'm going in for an Echocardiogram Monday, Feb. 25th.  Just routine.  He said I'm doing fine and that I have NO restrictions.  So, I can now cut grass or shovel snow as needed!  I won't have to have anyone cut my grass for me.  Thanks Boys!, but I'll be able to do it myself now. 

I need to have a hip replacement.  But, my hip Doctor can't do that surgery until I get off my blood thinner medicine.  I found out today that I must be on that at least a year before he'll let me get off of it to have surgery.  So, I'm looking like I might wait until late next Fall before I have that hip replacement done.

So, good report.  I won't have to go back until next year for my one year check-up!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still think you should let us shovel snow at the very least. Good news, though.
