Monday, October 15, 2012

"Nearly Dead" Film is now "That's a Wrap!"

We finished!  The final scenes of "Nearly Dead" were shot at 2:00 am this morning.  It seemed like each night that we shot scenes we seemed to run until early the early morning hours.  I knew last night would run late because the main goal was to "Git'er Done!".

Main Players, LtoR:  J. R. Harris(The Colonel), Ron Chilton(Randal),George Jansing(Zombie),Bob Tabler(Scoots),Mike Mayes(Nurse Francois), Jon Malko(Video), Sonny Burnette(Ratchet),Diane Moon (Nurse Manly), Jon Maynard (Writer,Director).

Here I was 'bloodied' from my suicidal attack on the Zombies in my "Tank Scooter".  I was carrying a machete and had a running chain saw Duct taped to the front. 

Making this movie was a lot of fun and a learning experience.  I have a much healthier respect for the work "Actors" do when making TV shows are movies.  It's much like the military, where the main theme is "Hurry up and Wait".  You're always rushing around but end up sitting around a lot waiting for your turn to be in a scene.  While you wait you rehearse your lines, kill a little time, rehearse a little more.  Read lines with the people your next scene will be with.  Then, when filming, doing the same scene, repeating the same lines, the same way, over and over, so that they can film from different angles, with different close ups.  Then, the outside scenes we shot, just happening to be on the coldest night of the season so far.  Luckily, nobody got sick from the prolonged exposure to the elements.
When the final product is pieced together, edited, the sound added, we'll each get a copy of the DVD and I'll make sure all my friends and family members get to view the movie, if they want to.  Yes, it's a little bloody, but it is a Comedy! 
It's been fun!


Anonymous said...

Just don't let them type cast you. I see Oscar winning serious roles in your future.


Unknown said...

It was great getting to know you Bob (Scoots). And, we DID have a blast making this film. We'll have to do another project together in the future.