Sunday, September 23, 2012

Golf Towels - Golf Towels - Golf Towels

Last weekend when Julie visited from Columbus, at one point our conversation turned to golf, and some reason, golf towels.  I mentioned I had a blue-million golf towels in the basement, many of them brand new, never been used.  Mary Lynn and Julie both were of the opinion that "Why don't you use them instead of some of those dirty, stained towels you do use.".
Well, I counted my golf towels, and I don't quite have a blue-million.  I have a little over 50 towels, about half, the two stacks on the left, with eyelets that let you attach them to your bag.  The other half a combination of full bath towels, hand towels, and pieces of towels.  Probably a third of these towels, most with eyelets, are new.  Received at Golf Scrambles over the years.
What is the purpose of a golf towel?  I usually carry two towels with me, one on my bag, and one   towel to carry to the green with me.  I use these towels for a number of things.  Cleaning my ball, clubs, shoes; wiping sweat off my forehead, brushing away leaves from my line on the green, lying my clubs on around or on the green, wiping off my hands, club grips.  Multi-purpose.  This doesn't even include all the jobs the towel will have when you're playing in the rain.  So, with all these jobs, towels get stained with grass and mud.  Any towel you use will be permanently stained.  So, why use a brand new towel when you have used ones?  I mean, I wash them, and re-use them, and they're clean.  But, they're not unstained.  Some of my large bath towels I cut into 3 pieces, so they're a little shaggy on the edges.  But so what?  They're golf towels!  Am I the only one that sees no reason to use 'new' golf towels just because I have them?


Mary Lynn said...

I still think that if you have a lot of NEW towels, why use the old raggy looking things. You're 66 years old. What the heck are you saving them for?

Judith Bowman said...

I wonder if I'm the only one who is just a little amazed that you folded, stacked and took a picture of all your golf towels on the couch.

Mark said...

Right on, Dad!! I'm with you.