Saturday, August 11, 2012

On the Ground floor of Movie Stardom!

I read for a part in a movie today!  Yep!  First time ever.  One of the Educators at the Zoo's Husband is making a movie, so she let a lot of the Docents know about the 'Casting Call' held today in case we'd like to read for a part.

It was a fun experience.  I went into a room where they had a video camera  set up, a boom microphone.  There was a mark on the floor where I was to stand.  They sat at a table behind the camera and read the other parts of the script and I read the parts of the person in the role I wanted.  When the camera rolled, I was a little nervous, but it was kinda fun.  I don't know how I did.  I'll find out. 

The movie is called "Nearly Dead", and is about old guys in a Nursing Home fighting off a Zombie Attack.  It's just a short, local movie.  If I don't get the part I read for, maybe I can land one of the other parts, or maybe just an extra.  Either way, sounds like a real Hoot!

1 comment:

Mary Lynn said...

I'm pulling for you. I'm sure you were a natural.