Monday, February 27, 2012

Snowball...well....he just wasn't feeling well!

Snowball hasn't been feeling well.  One of Erin and Jill's pet rats.  Sharkie and Snowball are two brothers they got for pets just after Christmas.  Lately, Snowball hasn't been feeling well.  Mark took off work today to take him to the Vet.  Well, SURPRISE!   When Mark got home from work to take HIM, he found out HE was a SHE, and why she hadn't been feeling well.
So, now Erin and Jill have a litter of baby rats to deal with.  I haven't gotten an official update on exactly how many, but the estimate is around 12-15.  Anybody out there need a pet rat?

1 comment:

Judith Bowman said...

One of the best stories yet!