Friday, September 30, 2011

Metal Detecting....Just a little bit

I got out to metal detect a little today.  I spent about 30-40 minutes in Rubel Park.
I found 76 cents, a nut, and a ring.  The ring is very cheap tin, or some other cheap metal.  Very possibly a ring from a fountain pen. 
The ground, despite the heavy rain several days ago, is still dry and hard to dig.  I was surprised at how dry it was.  It was not dusty dry, but the dirt would not clot together when you dug.  It would just fall apart.  I think I'll wait for more rain before I go out again.
I went to the Fincastle Apartments on Poplar Level Road to metal detect in a little ballfield there.  But, I checked with the maintenance people to get permission, and they turned me down.  Their excuse was that they had some residents who metal detect and that they probably wouldn't want me to.  OK.  If there are other metal detectors living there, then it probably wasn't worth my trouble anyway.  I bet those grapes were sour.

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