Thursday, July 28, 2011

Round 34 for the Year

I played pretty good today, at least well enough to win some money.  I wasn't low man today, but I was on the low team, so we got $8 each.
Two of the people on my Thursday Team didn't show up today because of the heat, so there was just two of us on the team today.  So, not only did we win low team money, we only had to split it two ways. But, because not many people showed up today, the pot was a little low.
I shot a 41 - 37 = 78 at Iroquois GC.  My handicap is now an 8 on Thursday so I netted down to a 70. My partner, Buddy Brown, shot a 71, with a 3 handicap netting him down to a 68.  That was pretty hard for those other teams to beat.  Buddy had to split individual  low round with one other person.
The temperature out there today was really hot.  When I got home I tuned in the Weather Channel and it was 97 degrees.  But with the rather low humidity it wasn't nearly as bad out there today as it was last week.  Besides the low humidity, there was a pretty good breeze.  So, waiting between shots we could sit in the shade of a tree and have a little breeze blowing on us.  Much, much better than last week.  I keep watching the 7 day forecast and the temperature is in the 90's all 7 days every time.  I'm ready for a break from this heat.

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