Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bob and the night visitor

Once again during the night my squirrel traps were being pummelled by an unknown source.  I would find my traps upside down several feet away from where they sat waiting to catch a curious and hungry squirrel. I knew a larger animal was after the peanuts.
So, out comes the heavy big varmit trap.  It took three nights, but here he is. See all the grass inside the trap?  I guess they try to dig their way out and pull all the grass and dirt around the trap they can get their hands on and pull it inside the trap.  They don't get out, but they sure make a mess.
I took this raccoon to my usual opossum release point, across from the Mellwood Art Center, on Mellwood Avenue, and let him go.  Hope he makes new friends their and won't think about coming back to the Goddard Neighborhood.


Mary Lynn's Blog said...

Awww, couldn't we have kept him....

Judith Bowman said...

He sure is cute.