Sunday, February 20, 2011

More Metal Detecting

I metal detected again for a while this afternoon.  I found about 70 cents  and this St. Christopher medal.  It's marked 'sterling' on the back.  The printing on the front I'm sure says "Saint Christopher Protect Us", but it sure is weird printing.  I guess it's English and the letters are printed weird.  Check it out and tell me what you think.


Judith Bowman said...

I think the St Christopher medal is beautiful - it looks old to me, and with the lettering (esp. the "T's") I wonder if it's from Europe. Maybe an antique medal set in newer sterling as a gift. I'll bet whoever lost it is very disappointed!

One of your most interesting finds yet!

Judith Bowman said...

OK BB - I did some online research - there is a website called (click on 'medals/badges' in the red left-hand column)that has a medal like the one you found. They call it "old" but they don't say how old it is. I couldn't find anything closer to yours (or prettier) than that, but it sure looks similar.

The lettering is old latin (gaelic?) like those used in medieval manuscripts. There are so many stylized versions it's hard to be more specific than that. It's been very interesting trying to find out about your find!