Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jillian likes to jump into leaf piles

Jillian wanted to jump in a pile of leaves yesterday when she was here.  So, I raked up a pile in the back yard for her.  She didn't want to just 'jump in'. "Give me an obstacle course". "OK Jill, run around the tree, down the hill, up the hill and under the swing, then jump in".  Jill: "How many times around the tree". "Just once, Jill". "One, two, three Go!" Away she went, around the tree, down the hill, up the hill, under the swing. Cautioned ahead of time by Mimi to not bump her head.  Then into the pile of leaves!  What a thrill!  Then she had to bury Grampy.  I'm under there somewhere in the top picture. Then Grampy and Mimi had to run an obstacle course she made up. No Jill, we can't go under the swing.  In the bottom picture she was throwing leaves into the air.  Lot's of fun to be had at Grampy's and Mimi's!


Kevin said...

That's a lot of work. Can't you jut play Wii Leafpile? Or maybe Xbox has a leafpile game.

Judith Bowman said...

Looks like Jill had a great time! (Mimi and Grampy too). Love the pictures.