Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Father's Day Gift....Painting the back Dormer

The boys are always wanting to know what to get me for Father's Day or my Birthday. Thise year, for Father's Day, I was ready. "I want you to paint my back Dormer". That was my request. Kim suggested I put a 'deadline' on it, or it may be put off for awhile. So, by July 1st was the deadline. They're here and painting today. It's really a tough place to paint. Some of the places are very hard to get to. It requires a little creativity. By the way, the wires going to the house you see in the pictures are telephone and cable TV wires, not high voltage wires. So no worry there with the aluminum ladders.

1 comment:

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

These guys are A.O.K., aren't they! And the paint job looks darn good.