Monday, March 22, 2010

Old Coins, No Value

This post really goes with my last post about the Shield Nickel. But, I just found out a piece of metal I dug up that I thought was just a piece of broken pot metal off something is actually an Indian Head Penny(Circa.1859-1909) I could see the Shield Nickel (Circa. 1866-1883) marks. I had to look very close, but you can tell with the naked eye what it is. The Indian Head Penny, I needed my jewelers loupe that I got for my birthday. You can make out part of the 'One Cent' written on the back, and the tips of the Indian Headress on the reverse. The other coin, and I use that term loosely, I have no idea. I can make out no distinguishing marks, but have no doubt it is a coin. I know these coins are worthless, but they are interesting. And, it reaffirms my belief that there are some 'old' coins to be found in the Chance School Field.


Bad Bob said...

I don't care if I don't have any readers I'm gonna keep on Post'n.

Anonymous said...

Just because I don't comment, don't be fooled into thinking I'm not reading. The "Tabler family posts" are my first read every morning!
Keep on writing.....all of you Tablers....and I especially enjoy the pictures.
Love ya'll,