Friday, August 7, 2009

Local News Flash...

I tried to find a picture to put with this post, but after extensive checking of all the news station photos, I've come up emtpy.
One of the stories I saw on the news last Tuesday about the high water was a story of an 'elderly Gentleman' who went around some barracades and drove into standing water. This elderly Gentleman's car started floating and he had to be rescued by MSD personnel who were on site. The photo showed his car, as the water receded, sitting on top of a fire hydrant. Some of you may recall this story, or picture. Well, I found out today that the "Elderly Gentleman" involved was none other than our neighbor directly across the street in the white house, Mr. Judson Gibb.


Brian said...


Brian said...

where was his boat?

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

When I saw the news story on tv, I thought, what kind of an idiot would drive around a barricade. Then today we found out.

Kevin said...

He should consider himself a hero. Who else would make the sacrifice of becoming a living, breathing example to be pointed out personally by Mayor Jerry at a press conference.